Assessing patient’s knowledge and satisfaction after viewing a kidney transplant educational video as part of pre-transplant clinic
Bita Bateni and Erim Waters
Kidney transplantation is the treatment choice for many patients with end stage renal disease. Kidney transplant candidates must undergo a pre-transplant evaluation, which can be challenging and confusing to navigate. With COVID-19 causing a shift to virtual health appointments, patients may find it more difficult to ask questions to the multidisciplinary transplant team.
To address this, the research team has created a brief educational video to describe the pre-transplant work up, transplant procedure and post-transplant care.
This study will assess whether patients are able to demonstrate comprehension of key transplant information after watching the video and assess patients’ level of satisfaction with the video. Patients will view the video at their pre-transplant appointment, following which they will complete an online survey made up of knowledge and satisfaction-based questions. Following the surveys, the team will conduct focus groups with a subset of patients in order to gain more in-depth comments on the video.
This study will aim to assess whether this educational video is successful at helping patients understand key concepts in the pre-transplant workup and whether patients feel this is video is beneficial.